Yes! Sign up here for email alerts and newsletters. This is a great tool for us to get the word out fast to residents about news in our community. Sign up today and remind your neighbors do the same. Be the first to know if a rain date for the yard sale is scheduled, special city meetings are being held, garbage collection is cancelled, receive the newsletter or if there was a break-in in the neighborhood! (We will NOT share your email address and will send you updates only when necessary.)
Find us on Facebook too! There is a new group called “City of Wellington, KY”. This is a closed group, so only residents of Wellington will be accepted into the group, and the general public will not be able to read anything that anyone posts to the page. This group page was created so neighbors can keep each other informed about community events, block watch news, and other helpful information. We encourage you to Join the Group!
If you have a concern regarding a neighbor. We ask that you first approach your neighbor and attempt a peaceful resolution. If you wish to voice your comments or concerns to the City Council, here is the procedure:
Please briefly communicate your comment or concern in writing to the Mayor, with your name, phone number and address. It is necessary for you to do this at least 48 hours in advance of the City Council meeting, in order for you to be included on the Agenda. The Mayor will advise you on whether this is a “Metro” matter or if it will be brought before the City Council. The City Council meets the 4th Tuesday of each month the Assumption High School at 6:30 PM.
At the beginning of each meeting, each Resident is invited to introduce themself, stating their name and address. Residents are limited to no more than 5 minutes to voice their concern. The council members and the mayor may or may not discuss options and solutions.
Please note that if your issue is not listed on the Agenda, you will not be allowed to speak at the meeting.
The City Council follows Robert’s Rules. We invite your suggestions and we welcome your support.
Here is a concise Welcome Letter that will get you started. It will acquaint you with ordinances, permit requirements, and other general information. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The City recommends that you first contact the neighbor directly and express your concern. If this does not resolve the matter, contact Metro Call by dialing 311 with specific information, including date, time and address.
The City recommends that you first attempt to resolve the matter directly with the neighbor. If this does not resolve the matter, contact Metro Call by dialing 311 with specific information, including date, time and address.
Satellite dishes must be installed out-of-site from the front of the property (within 15 feet of the front of the residence). Please see the Satellite Ordinance for additional restrictions.
The City enforces parking regulations to maintain the safety and accessibility of its streets. Visit our Parking Ordinance for details.
The City Council may not be aware of your new neighbors, so we invite you to contact Lara Donnelly and we will gladly welcome your new neighbors and review the City ordinances with them. Here is a concise Wellington Welcome Letter that you can share with your new neighbors.
Home-based businesses that involve employees, customers or clients reporting to the residence are prohibited. If you have a specific complaint about a neighbor’s home-based business, please notify us.
All items are collected on Tuesday. Pickup is typically delayed by one day on nationally-observed holidays. Visit our Sanitation/Recycling section for details.
If your trash, recycling, or yard waste was not removed on the scheduled pickup day, please contact Ecotech directly. 502-935-1130
No. Our police services are provided by contract with a third party vendor. However, the City is now offering a program that if you are out of town you can contact us prior to leaving and the officer will make a spot check of your home, walk around it and contact you directly if there are any concerns. See the Neighborhood Watch section.
The City’s merged government adopted the comprehensive land development codes of Jefferson County, with enforcement provided by metro government. Details of these ordinances are available at the City of Louisville’s Land Development Code webpage. Note than in certain cases, the City of Wellington’s ordinances may be more restrictive than county regulations (i.e. parking).
Certainly! Please note that a City-wide annual yard sale is held in late spring/early summer. The City pays for advertising costs and encourages residents to participate.
Election Signs – 30 days before election day. Signs should be taken down with seven days after the election.
Contractor Signs (yard work, construction, painting, etc.) – no more than 30 days