Neighborhood Watch

The City of Wellington is a Neighborhood Watch community. Our city blocks are organized to look out for one another and report to the police any suspicious activity. From time to time announcements will be posted on this page for meetings and updates. Please contact our Block Watch Chair if you have any questions, concerns or would like to be involved.

If you notice suspicious activities, please call Metro Safe Police dispatch (502) 574-2111. If you have an emergency or witness illegal activity, please call 911 immediately with as much information as possible, including personal descriptions, vehicle descriptions, and license plates.

The Neighborhood Watch is nothing but “neighbors helping neighbors keep each other safe by being the eyes and ears for the police and each other.”  Our Neighborhood Watch is not a police force, not an auxiliary police force, and certainly not a vigilante group.

If you are going out of town or will be away from your property for an extended period of time and you would like the City of Wellington Police Officer to check in on your property, please email the City and provide your departure and return dates in addition to your contact phone number and email address. The City will compile the information and forward to the Officer. If there are any issues while you are away, the Officer will contact you directly.