City Commission

The City of Wellington Commission meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Farmington Visitor Center.  Please note that meetings held during the COVID-19 quarantine times will be via Zoom.   Details of the Zoom call are posted on the olling banner on the Home page of this website.  If you need to address a concern, please read the procedures to voice your concerns first.  Then contact the mayor to be added to the agenda.


Sara Sievert

Phone: 494-1716
Email: [email protected]

(Agenda Coordinator, Attorney Liaison, Police Liaison, Landscape, ARPA Reporting, Christmas Decorations, Electrical, Reach Alert, Online Bill Pay)


Email: [email protected]

(Tree Program, Facebook Communication, Newsletter, Community Events, Little Library, Notary)


Andrew Matthews

Phone: 502-762-8130
Email: [email protected]

(MSD/LGE/Water Liaison, Dumpsters & POD permits, Signage,  Sidewalks/Roads, Waste Management)




Milos Maldonado

Phone: 609-3050
Email: [email protected]

(CAS Liaison, Security Program, Budget prep, Quarterly Analyses, KLC & DLG reporting, External Financial reporting, Monthly Reconcile of Financial Accounts & Reports, Online Bill Pay)


Lara Donnelly

Phone:  (502) 777-1354

Email: [email protected] 

(Website Management, Welcome New Neighbors, Ethics Board, Hawthorne Liaison, Reach Alert)


Lois Roby

Phone: 494-9062
Email: [email protected]

(Monthly Minutes, Codification of Ordinances, Reports due to the State of Kentucky (DLG), Rental Permits, Uploading documents to Google Drive, Written Correspondences for the City)


  Kris Paul

Phone: (502) 439-0494

(City and Property Taxes)



Ethics Committee

Whitney Conn

Phone: 593-4387
Email: [email protected]

Ethics Committee

Jill Handley

Phone: 767-5983

Email: [email protected]

City Attorney

Carrie Ritser